Watching porn in any form will teach you many things.
Unfortunately, by the time you realise this, it may be too late and the damage done, irreversible.
Here’s some staggering statistics:
- 64% of men view porn monthly
- 90% of 8 to 16-year-olds have viewed porn online (mostly while doing homework)
- 56% of divorce cases involve one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites
No matter how you look at it, pornography has infiltrated our society and thanks to the internet, it has found it’s way into our homes.
When I was young, the only pornographic material available was sealed magazines that required you to be 18 years old to purchase it. Pornographic videos could only be found at X-rated adult shops.
Nowadays though, it’s almost more difficult to avoid coming into contact with porn than it is to find it. We are being bombarded with it at every turn and it’s effects on our mind, spirit and emotions is ravaging.
I know this is a sensitive topic but I feel like it’s one we need to talk about. Not talking about it will not make it go away. I find that when you bring things out into the light, they lose their power.
So what will porn teach you?
- It teaches you that your satisfaction is the only thing that matters.
- It teaches you to want pleasure without intimacy.
- It teaches you that women are objects that should indulge your every whim and fancy.
- It teaches you that women are not real people, with real lives and real emotions.
The bottom line is this: There is no harmless pornography; there is no mild porn. It all has the same devastating effect on our brain and can lead to addiction even after the first view.
So what now? If the statistics are accurate, that would mean that many people reading this have viewed porn or are currently struggling with it. Is there a way out? Is there hope?
Good news is, yes there is! No matter where you find yourself today, you don’t have to stay there. There is help and resources available to get you back on a healthy emotional track.
There is a great website that has lots of resources and tools to help protect you against the onslaught of pornography as well as ways to help you break free from it’s grip. Check it out at http://www.xxxchurch.com/. Whether you need help with a porn addiction or if you’ve been affected by someone else’s porn addiction, there is plenty of help on this site.
Don’t be disheartened or feel ashamed. The first step to wholeness is admitting you need help. Bringing it out into the light will go a long way in breaking its destructive power over your life.
God loves you so much and is well aware of all the areas we struggle in. He is never far from you but so willing and able to heal, restore and set free no matter what you have faced or what you may have been involved in.
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