So often so many lives are ruined by decisions, choices molded by fear. You cannot even imagine the immense effect living under the yoke of fear has on you until you have set yourself free. Reading Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In, opened my eyes to the unacceptable things I had decided to grit my teeth and get on with because my fear convinced I had no choice. Turning the question ‘what would I do if I had no fear?’ into a mantra forced me to re-examine everything I believed, tolerated and thought about myself. Nothing was above scrutiny; faith, family, friendships and career all came crashing down. From that moment on, every choice I made, every step I took had to first pass the ultimate test; what would I do if I wasn’t afraid? It was a bit scary at first but in the end I felt a lot better because my life took on a clarity I had never experienced before, everything I did was for my own good. I wholeheartedly owned up to the results of my actions without that lingering anger and resentment against others.

Here’s a video by the company that produces famous energy drink Red Bull showing how far people can go, when they decide to let go of fear:

If you are living in less than perfect conditions, take just one minute and ask yourself, what would you do if you were not afraid?


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