Many people today have lost perspective. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, society has tried to separate life from faith. You can find people in church, at work, at home or on the bus that have sidelined the concept that faith is an activating factor in everything we do. Many people have adopted the Descartes principle “I think, therefore I am”. Which may have merits, but it completely cuts faith out of the picture.
The core basis of sanity doesn’t lie in thought. The fact is, you can think that you are losing your sanity. And if you think that long enough, it is proven that you will. So if thought itself cannot define your life, then what does? In all truth, the only way that you can live is if you believe in what you think. Now I know there are cases where people have been misguided in believing the wrong thoughts, but it is just reinforcing my point. It is not your thoughts, but which ones you believe that determine what your life will look like.
If you take this into account, then faith is the bridge between the cognitive and the material. It is the passageway between your soul and your action. Faith is a confident conviction. The only way you are able to walk today is because you have the confident conviction that when you step forwards two things will happen:
1. Your foot will be able to hold your weight
2. The place you put your foot will be able to hold you
So in many ways, faith determines every step you take in life. The thing is, the vast majority of humanity takes each step for granted – making us oblivious to the levels of faith that we actually are living with every moment of our lives.
I know that personally I have spent a whole lot of my life trying to find knowledge that will support what I believe. But what you know does not lead you to belief. Belief leads you to what you know. I you are looking for the proof that there is a God, there are many credible sources, stories, and facts. But the problem isn’t with your ability to understand. It is with your willingness to believe first.
You may be in a place where you are desperate for something more than your day-to-day existence. You may have tried out the whole “Christian life” and found nothing much for you. You have grown up around God, but not ever have had a personal revelation of who He is. Can I maybe ask that before you reach for a Bible, click on the link below to find out more, walk into a church or pray to God – allow yourself to believe what you will encounter. Yes, you can question it once you have grasped it, but you need to open yourself up to the possibility of truth before you actually find it. I pray you find more than you ever bargained for.