Last week, I talked a little about some of the miracles I had experienced over the past few months.
Have you experienced a miracle in your life? Have you seen God perform one in the life of someone else? I firmly believe that miracles are not just for Bible times but we can see God do miracles in the here and now.
Maybe you’re thinking miracles always happen to someone else. It’s always someone else getting the breakthrough, receiving the healing, or being blessed with finances. Well, I’ve got good news for you! Miracles are not so much about what you don’t have. Almost all miracles start with what you do have.
What do I mean by that? Check this out! Many of the miracles Jesus performed in the Bible didn’t start with what people didn’t have – they almost all started with people giving Jesus what they did have.
So if all you have is any of these three things, I believe you are a perfect candidate for a miracle:
1. When all you have is need: The first miracle Jesus ever performed was turning water into wine at a wedding (you can read about it in John 2). They ran out of wine so Jesus told them to fill big pots with water. All they had was need; all they had was not enough; but they were obedient to give it to Jesus and He did a miracle with what they had.
2. When all you have is inadequacy: Another miracle Jesus performed was when a hungry crowd of over 5 000 people gathered and there wasn’t any way to feed them all (you can read about it in Matthew 14). All they could scrape together was five loaves of bread and two small fish. It was totally inadequate to feed all those people but they gave what they had to Jesus. He blessed it and as He began dividing it up, it kept multiplying so that everyone had enough plus there was baskets of food left over!
3. When all you have is failure: An experienced fisherman had spent all night trying to bring in his catch of fish but caught absolutely nothing. He was despondent and desperate so when Jesus told him to throw out his net one more time, he must have thought Jesus was crazy (you can read about it in Luke 5). But I love what he says in verse 5: “We’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” He was obedient to try one more time and he caught such a large catch of fish that he had to signal for help to reel it all in! He gave Jesus his failure and Jesus was able to turn it into a great success.
What about you? Are you willing to give Jesus your need, your inadequacy, or your failure? If you are, you may just see Him do great miracles in your life. Let me know how you go!
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