Do you ever overlook or dismiss whatever is currently in your hands or in your care? Maybe you don’t think that what is in your hands isn’t really very important, or particularly significant, when in actual fact it is.
In the bible there is moment between God and Moses, where Moses finds himself in an overwhelming and challenging season, and feels a bit helpless. God then says to Moses “What is your hands Moses?” to which he responded “a staff”. Moses was holding onto his walking staff, something he overlooked at the time, which ended up playing a rather significant role in the leading of Gods people out of Egypt. God asked him multiple times to lay his staff down in order for it to be used to perform miracles.
Imagine if we spent more time acknowledging the different elements that we carry and how significant they are. I bet we would be more intentional with how we use what is in our hands. When we live with intention, we consequently feel more motivated because we have a greater sense of purpose. If we spent more time focusing on what is in our hands we would be more content, and we would feel more present, not wanting to wish the time away or wanting something that someone else has. Imagine if we lay down whatever is in our hands as a means of serving and helping others, imagine what miracles we would see through our serving of others.
If you had to look at your life, and note all of the different areas, qualities, gifting’s and responsibilities, how could you be more intentional about growing those areas, until you see miracles flow from them? Start today by acknowledging all of things that you carry, your natural giftings and talents and be more intentional about using them wisely to make a more effective impact on others and on yourself.