“I love Jesus but I don’t go to church.” As my friend spoke these words to me over coffee, I struggled to believe what I was hearing. My friend had kept her relationship with God, but divorced herself from His bride, the Church.
So what’s wrong with that, you may ask? Maybe you find yourself in the very same season. Can you have a relationship with God without having a relationship with His church?
Let’s look at a few things the church is not:
1. The Church is not man’s idea, it’s God’s: The reason why belonging to a great Christ-centred, Bible-based church should be our priority, is because it’s God’s priority. Before Jesus left the earth, He said He would build His church, and nothing would be able to stand against it. So the church didn’t originate out of the mind of human beings, but out of the heart and mind of God.
2. The Church is not a building: The word church used in the New Testament Bible means “the called out ones” or “a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place; an assembly”. So being part of a church is not so much about the building you go to, but more about being a part of a gathering of people who are seeking to know Jesus more.
3. The Church is not an exclusive social club: The church is for everyone and anyone. It’s a place where believers in Jesus can worship Him, learn more about Him, be encouraged in their faith, and play their part to make a difference in their city. For those who have not yet put their faith in Jesus, it’s a place they can find hope, answers, acceptance, support, and love. The church is supposed to be a tangible representation of the love of Jesus to everyone and anyone. Whether that be through offering prayer, or providing food parcels, the church should be making a difference in their city.
4. The Church is not a denomination: Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, which one is right for you? There are many different churches with different expressions of their faith in Jesus. There is not one that is the one. Visit a few different churches and find one where you feel at home and can make yourself part of the family. As long as the church teaches the Bible and worships Jesus, it doesn’t really matter what the sign over the door reads.
The Bible refers to the church as the Bride of Jesus. It gives a beautiful analogy of how Jesus loves His church as a groom loves His bride. That’s why it always astounds me when people say, “I love Jesus but I’m done with the church.” It’s like saying to a bridegroom, “I love you man, but your bride sucks!” We would never say that to our friends.
So how about it? If you haven’t been to church in a while, can I encourage you to take another look at it, this time from God’s perspective? We all need a family to belong to – don’t cheat yourself out of the benefit of belonging to a family of believers. If you’ve never been to church, try a few out over the next month. I’ll be praying that you find one you can call home!
If you know you are far away from God and want to chat more about getting closer to Him, we would love to tell you more. Click on the link below or on the pop up.