I recently heard someone say, “Well they’re kind of a Christian. I think they believe in God.” And that’s enough right?
To say you align more closely with the idea of God and Jesus versus, say, Buddha or Mohammed…. it’s enough to say you’re a Christian, right? I mean, surely good people who say they’re Christian are going to heaven?
Oh, wait… I probably should have warned you upfront that this post is going to challenge you and may actually offend you. Can I apologise in advance?
I really don’t want to make you mad, but I have this thought on my heart and I can’t shake it. Hang in there though, I am sure my next blog won’t be as confronting!
I have to tell you that being good or just believing in God unfortunately is not enough. The Bible talks about the fact that God, who created you, would either you be cold towards Him and not believe in Him at all, or be totally red-hot on fire for Him. But to be lukewarm? Well, it makes Him sick. Why?
Bear with me here for a second: if you created something because of your immense love for it, and you created a perfect place for this person to live and enjoy life, your heart was broken when they went against your loving instructions – so you sent the most precious thing you had to die for them so that all their wrong-doing could be erased. Then they turned around and said, “Uh well I guess I kinda believe in the being that created me.” It would break your heart, wouldn’t it?
So why does God expect us to give our all to Him – heart and soul? Why does He not accept lukewarm, half-hearted, convictionless belief in Him?
Because He gave His heart and soul to save us .
You see, He didn’t send His left-overs to rescue us. He sent His best, His one and only beloved Son, to come to earth and die in our place for all our wrong-doing. For all our lying, our lust, our greed, our jealousy, our hatred, our unforgiveness. All these things and more separate us from knowing God, and He couldn’t stand by one more second and allow that to continue. He loves us so much that He couldn’t stand to be apart from us even though it was our own disobedience and stubbornness that caused it.
Can I ask you today to do a couple of things?
Can I ask you to:
- Get off the fence and make a decision one way or the other: I believe the time for playing games with God is over. The time of being lukewarm has come to an end. Either choose to follow Him and love Him with all your heart, soul and mind, or walk away. I’m sorry if that seems harsh but it’s time to stop living half-hearted, using God when it suits us and live our selfish lives the rest of the time.
- Respond to His great love for you and the sacrifice He made to be close to you: God’s not out to ruin your fun or lay down all kinds of rules and regulations. He loves you and wants only the best, most amazing life for you. Give it a try, won’t you?
If you’re ready to get off the fence and respond to Him, or if you want to chat further about this, please click on the link below. It’s the best decision you will ever make, guaranteed!
You are awesome, thank you for reading this post. I am praying for you and cheering you on 🙂