Everyone has their own unique personal relationship with God. However, sometimes we may forget, or maybe we don’t know even know that to be true. We end up expecting to have the same kind of relationship with God that others do. But, what we forget is that we are all different, unique and we all reflect the heart and character of God. Because we are all so different and unique, we have a different way of communicating, interpreting, and understanding things.


  • Therefore when it comes to our personal relationships with God, we need to know and understand what our love languages are and know how to communicate with God that is personal to us. A love language is a very unique and personal way of communicating love.  God made us all unique in the way we understand love, in the way we feel love and the way we choose to express love to others.


  • Often in friendships and in relationships we feel misunderstood because we feel like others are failing at expressing and communicating love towards us, or vice versa. However, we need to know and understand what our love languages are and what others love languages are, as a means of communicating love in way that is personal to others. The same applies when it comes to spending time with God. We should do it in a way that is personal to us.
  • Maybe you like spending alone time with God in nature or at a coffee shop, or maybe you like to sing to Him and write music as a means of expressing love towards Him. Or maybe you like to read the bible and journal and write to God, or maybe just maybe you like to speak to him quietly or be alone and quiet in His presence. What is your love language with God? How do you choose to express that with Him? Go on a journey and start asking yourself, as a means of discovering ways to communicate personally with God.


  • When we make the time to invest in our personal relationship with God we start to know and understand him on a more personal and intimate level. It becomes a sacred space where we feel loved, accepted, cherished, worthy, where we feel empowered and encouraged by His presence.

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