Co-workers can make your job so much fun – or they can make you miserable. Know what I mean?
Have you ever had a coworker that you help out every time they ask; one that you go the extra mile for, and bend over backwards for? Sure you do, because you’re a nice person. But then, when the time comes for them to return the favour, they’re nowhere to be found and come up with all sorts of excuses why they can’t help you.
Drives you mad, right? I mean, we are all doing our best here and we should help each other out, every chance we get. Well, at least that’s how I see it.
So how do we get along with those coworkers that drive us crazy? A few thoughts come to mind… You could leave a nasty prank on their desk, let the air out of their tires, tell security there’s a suspicious looking person fitting their description…? Just kidding! I would never do any of those things and you shouldn’t either!
Seriously, do you give up being the “good guy” and give them a taste of their own medicine? It sure would feel good momentarily, but then you’d realise, you’re not “that guy, or that girl”. You are a good person. So here’s how to stop yourself from going crazy and really get along with your coworkers:
- Keep doing the right thing, even when you don’t feel like it: The Bible says that what we sow, we will reap. What that means is that if we sow seeds of malice and pettiness, we will reap that in our future. On the other hand, if we sow acts of kindness and do right by others, we will see that come back to us over the course of our life.
- Set the example: Believe it or not, but not everybody knows how to act or be kind. Maybe they were brought up to be cut-throat, get-ahead-at-any-cost type of people. You can’t change them but you can show them the right way to act and the right way to treat people.
- Let it go: No matter how badly they treat you or stab you in the back, try to let it go. It’s not worth stooping to their level, just to make a point. Let it go and know that you can rest easy with your head on the pillow every night and know that you are a human being worth following and someone your kids can be proud of.
Let’s put these into action and hey, you never know what kind of change you could bring about in your workplace.
It’s not easy to do the right thing or to be kind when others mistreat you. One way to handle it is to turn to God for help when you’re feeling at the end of your rope. Click on the link below or on the pop up if you would like to know more about having a friendship with God for yourself.