Has anyone ever told you that you should ‘Be the bigger person’? When you’ve been treated badly or someone has walked all over you, isn’t that just the last thing you want to hear?
We’ve all been there. Been on the receiving end of someone else’s rudeness or anger. When all you really want to do is give it right back to them. Sadly, this kind of revenge is rarely satisfying and will mostly do more damage to you than to them anyway. So what’s the alternative?
Recently American first lady Michelle Obama said as part of a public speech that she has taught her daughter the motto “when they go low, we go high”. Regardless of politics, this is good advice.
It’s not fair
The truth is, some people are just not nice. For whatever reason there are those in this world who are selfish, mean-spirited and think nothing of taking their frustrations out on others. When someone says something about you, treats you disrespectfully or is just plain hurtful there is nothing you can do about it. Is it fair? No, probably not. Many times you will receive treatment that you really don’t deserve. But that’s part of life. What you do have control over is how you choose to respond. Will you become mean, selfish and spiteful in return? Or will you remain the generous, kind and happy individual you want to be and ‘Be the bigger person’?
Taking the high road
Choosing to remain true to the values you want to live by when provoked to act differently isn’t always easy. Remaining quiet when it would be easier to return the insult is hard at time. The reward for keeping to the high road and not dropping to another’s level is that you have determined who you are. It’s not about being better than anyone else it’s about being the kind of person you want to be.
Jesus spoke in the bible about turning the other cheek. Many people have mistakenly interpreted his words as meaning, if someone offends you, you should give them the chance to do it again. That’s just stupid! Jesus wasn’t suggesting if someone hits you, you should ask them to hit you a second time. He was encouraging us to not show the offense (in this case a red cheek) and to not seek revenge for the attack. It may seem like an impossible standard but when we decide to live with love and respect, not only for others, but also for the way that God would have us conduct ourselves, Jesus can help us to always go high. With his help we can be the bigger person and stay true to being who we were made to be.
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