I was chatting to a friend of mine recently and she was telling me about her experiences growing up, especially when it came to church. When things don’t make sense in your life, perhaps you need to start asking the right questions?
This is what she had to say…
“When I was younger, I hated going to Church, well for the most part. I didn’t understand why I had to be among a bunch of people who seemed to put on performances as quick as they put on their Sunday best. Mind you, I also did my fair share of smiling and waving as was required by my parents to avoid trouble at all costs. Jesus seemed all too unreal to me and people who spoke about how they had met Him seemed all too pretentious. People’s testimonies undid it for me, they just seemed too out of this world to believe.
I never felt the goose bumps, saw no flashing light, heard no booming voice. I never had encounters with glowing angels in white linen, saw no gold dust falling from the sky, neither did I hear heaven’s choirs serenading me at night as others testified. In fact, the testimonies just made me feel worse and like I wasn’t good enough, holy enough, trying hard enough, not paying enough attention to God’s voice.
It wasn’t until I began to ask God to show me who He was and who this Jesus man was to me, that things started making sense.
I was reminded of that period in my life as I watched this video:
Ex-Hezbollah Iranian Muslim Saw Jesus and Jesus Said Who He Was
Many of us have wondered if this Jesus story adds up, after all it seems too good to be true right? How can a man be God and God be a mere man? How can a man die for all mankind and claim to be the only bridge to reuniting man with God…the God of the universe? So many questions to make your head spin, yet hardly ever getting answers that make complete sense.”
Like the man in the video, we all have questions that desperately need answers. More often than not, asking people does not provide the answers we need. As the video says, the testimony is his own testimony, to show you what God can do, but you need to go on your own journey, to discover the beauty of God for yourself. After all, who can best answer questions about God than God Himself?
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