You probably are very familiar with the fact that in life, we are often facing a fight. I recently faced a really difficult situation. I literally felt like I was in a fight. A fight for peace, a fight for sanity, a fight for joy and a fight for strength. Can you relate?
As I was praying and talking to God about it, this thought dropped in my mind: Sometimes God takes you out of the fight and sometimes He gives you the strength to fight.
I know those aren’t the most encouraging words. We’d rather God take us out of the fight, wouldn’t we? After all, He totally can.
This reminds me of a passage in the Bible where Jesus and His disciples are travelling by boat to a certain town. It was Jesus’ idea to cross over the lake but while the storm raged, where was Jesus? He was asleep. The disciples were full of fear that they were going to drown and they could not believe the audacity of Jesus to be sleeping while they fought for their lives.
They woke Him up to make Him aware of the dire situation. What He does next is so interesting. He scolds them for not having enough faith and He instantly calms the storm. I have a few questions about this. Why did He calm the storm when He could’ve prevented it? Why was He sleeping when His disciples needed Him the most?
In our lives, I think we ask similar questions. When you are facing a fight, you may wonder why God allows you to go through it. After all, He has the power to prevent it in the first place. Or perhaps you are feeling like Jesus is unaware and absent when you need Him the most.
We have all been there. I have faced many a fight in my life and I know this to be true: Sometimes God delivers us from the fight and sometimes He gives us the strength to get through the fight.
I don’t always know why I have to face fights in my life. Here are a few things I do know:
He is in the fight with you – Even though it may seem like Jesus is quiet or “asleep”, the truth is, He is with you in the fight.
- If He doesn’t prevent it, He will calm it – Jesus has the power to do all things, therefore you can trust Him that if He allows you to go through a storm, He will calm it for you at the right time.
Stand strong as you are facing the fight. Remember, sometimes God takes you out of the fight and other times, He gives you the strength to fight.
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