We all have the desire to belong, that need to fit in; the conviction that we can contribute and matter. But finding the right fit in this world can be as difficult as finding the correct puzzle in a 2000 piece set.
Before trying to fit in, before committing to a cause or finding the group, the club, that one special place where you belong; it might be wiser to find, YOU. “Who am I and where do I belong?”
Who are YOU? Find who you are, and once you find yourself, be certain of you, yourself, certain of who you want to be. No one can decide this for you. Even though people and circumstances influence you, the bottom line is, you and you alone decide who you are and the person you will be.
So, who do you want to be? Are you the vibey loud clown, the life of the party? Are you the reserved introvert who mostly keeps to him/herself? Are you the peace keeper? Are you the super creative who dreams of ideas and better ways of life? Do you thrive off the energy of other people? Now, I know we’re getting slightly philosophical right now, possibly even physiological, but these are important questions to ask oneself. To make progress, we have to begin by asking the right questions.
How can you complete or enhance the next person if all you’re doing is trying to impress them with every opportunity you get? Impressions are temporary. Influence and consistency, however, are much more permanent.
So, what makes you special? What sets you apart? The answer to this question is the first step towards finding who you are.
This road of discovery is for some a long one, but discover, you will! Allow patience and wisdom to be your closest friends during this process, otherwise you’ll just live a very frustrated life trying to please everyone who comes your way, trying to adapt to every situation, just to fit in! Remember that puzzle piece? Even if that one piece is a 90% match, and even if you manage to force it in the incorrect space, it will always be awkward and just wrong! Let’s face it, no one likes a high strung person, and high strung is what you will become if all you’re doing is living to please everyone, being an incorrect puzzle piece trying to fit in.
Forget yesterday, and focus on today, ’cause today your life is a blank canvas, an opportunity to start a new! Why don’t you take a few minutes out of your crazy day, just 10 minutes, and begin painting your preferred “you”.
Where do I even start to ‘find the real or preferred me’? I hear you ask. It’s a valid and important question. Here at 1Africa, our passion is to share, with everyone who comes across our path, that we are carefully and lovingly designed by a loving Creator. Any attempt to ‘locate’ ourselves outside of Him can prove tiring and fruitless. If you’d like to go deeper into understanding the core message we want to bring you, please click on the banner below.