You know those times when things might be a little daunting – it may be in a situation where you are meeting new people or starting a new part of your life. I have found that we as humans tend to have two options when it comes to how we behave:
1. We sit back and see what happens;
2. We step forwards and try to control the situation
Now, the second option is normally the best – proactivity is definitely the most helpful (as long as you are humble enough to submit while doing it). But there is one area I believe that everyone seems to want to control instead of allowing themselves to sit back and see what happens.
When it comes to faith and knowing God, I have seen how so many would rather have some sense of control – some reference of opinion or system that can comfortably explain the subject of the spiritual. But it is the one area in life where we are required to truly sit back and open ourselves up to the endless possibility of God.
In my personal experience, I have found that there is a balance between God and my external life. If I allow God to have control personally, I naturally have more of a grip on the rest of my life. I have more confidence, more peace, and more assertive vision. The moment I try to take control of my relationship with God, I find that I start losing my ability to hold things together.
In the past week I have become more aware of how I was made to respond. But what I choose to respond to will determine the direction of my life. If I choose to respond to the opinion of others, the struggles I face, the fear imposed by systems and others around me, I will end up smaller and defeated as an individual. But if I respond to my Creator – who not only knows my situation, but also my experience and my character – I am set to grow and be inspired to push ahead.
One of the greatest things that we know about God is that He loves us. If that is the case, the question of where I allow external control should be an easy one. But it requires trust that you might not know best all the time. It might mean allowing yourself to be vulnerable so that Jesus’ redemptive work can transform you. You cannot be defensive and grow – whether that is physically, emotionally, or spiritually.
So, if you are willing to open up and see what God can do in you when you have control, then click on the link below. It’s a simple decision to respond to God rather than your circumstance. I know it’s hard, but it’s the best decision I ever made! It’s worth it.