You might say the Holy Spirit is our “identifying mark” as believers in Christ. In the Bible, we see three reasons why God gives His Holy Spirit. First, God promised to send the Holy Spirit to those who trust Jesus Christ as Saviour.
The Holy Spirit itself also serves as a mark of ownership, showing that we belong to God.
The Holy Spirit also performs a function for non-Christians as well. He convicts people’s hearts of God’s truth concerning how sinful we are – needing God’s forgiveness; how righteous Jesus is – He died in our place, for our sins; and God’s eventual judgment of the world and those who do not know Him (John 16:8-11). The Holy Spirit tugs on our hearts and minds, asking us to repent and turn to God for forgiveness and a new life.
Your new path/life will look something like this:
We all know that there are many misconceptions about the identity of the Holy Spirit. Some view the Holy Spirit as a mystical force. Others understand the Holy Spirit as the impersonal power that God makes available to followers of Christ. The Bible declares that the Holy Spirit is God. The Bible also tells us that the Holy Spirit is a divine person, a being with a mind, emotions, and a will.
Maybe you’re still a bit confused about all this and it might seem overwhelming to you. Would you like to ask questions about who the Holy Spirit is or perhaps you’re still on a self discovery journey and want to know more about God and faith, please click on the banner below and watch the video that follows.