Perhaps one of the greatest ironies of all is life.  In order to gain the most out of it, one must lose more, take greater risks. Lose control over that which is beyond our jurisdiction and just be.  “To be or not to be…” a question we ought to ask ourselves with every waking moment. To be the best or settle for mediocrity, all summed up in one word…choice.

To believe that all things are possible or to believe we will never amount to much. To be a believer or a cynic, a choice that will determine our fate. A glorious end, each one of us is made for, yet the choice of path or speed determines where we end up. Some choose to be sluggish along the way and when the end comes, they are nowhere. Others choose to run the race of endurance with patience and almost crawl across the finish line, yet their end is more glorious than their beginning because they chose “to be” faithful to the calling.

To be authentic we may choose or deny but when the time for taking stock comes, will we look back with no regrets? Reflecting in retrospect, “If only…” and “what if…” Enquiries that come too late because time is a commodity one cannot find in any market place. That is why, “to be or not to be…” is a question we should ask ourselves with every waking moment for asking it at the end of the day, leaves less room to redeem time.

Many a man or woman has concluded they cannot ‘be’ simply because the dream seems rather too grand or unattainable due to lack of adequate resources. While it is understandable the times are tough, the greatest achievers past and present are men and women who dared to defy the odds and stared destiny in the face proclaiming, “You are mine…!” To be or not to be, a choice we all make so that we may become who we are meant to be.

Life is too short to live on borrowed dreams for at one point or another they will return to the proprietor. Life is too precious to be wasted on contemplation alone for desire without action leads to frustration. Life is not a case to be merely pondered upon but one that requires a character to play a role convincingly. To be that main character or not to be, is entirely up to you. Without you, your play will just be a lifeless script, written before time only to remain words on a dusty scroll, stashed upon ancient shelves. Never to be seen, appreciated nor inspire others to play their part. As William Shakespeare wrote, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players…”

I choose to be a fool that I may find laughter in this irony called life. I choose not to be wise in my own eyes, that I may learn how to live more.

Have you always just done what you’ve needed to and possibly even lived someone else’s dream?  Perhaps it’s time you start living your own dream.  So who will you be?  If you need help breaking free and making the choice to live a new and fresh life, please click on the banner below.