Have you ever set out to do a few errands and half way to your destination you suddenly get this cold feeling come over you and you suddenly ‘wake up’ and snap out of the day dream you’ve been in for the past 10 minutes? Upon realizing that you’ve been ‘out of it’ for a while you ask yourself, how did I get here?
The brain is a powerful thing, it has the ability to navigate from memory, even though you’re fully awake and aware of what’s happening, it is possible to ‘loose time’. I’ve had the same experience while using a cell phone, by the time the call ends I try and recall my journey, and it’s just a massive blur, I have no recollection whatsoever.
Sometimes we plod along through life aimlessly in the hopes that’s we’ll achieve great results, just like shooting at a target in the dark, you’ll probably never hit bull’s eye, because you simply cannot see it.
I function best by setting goals and having structures in place, that’s the only way I get things done. Without a plan, I know I’m just going to aim in the dark and hope to reach some kind of target, but inevitably I’ll fail.
What about your life? Are you aimlessly shooting in the dark and often stop and find yourself completely clueless as to how you got here or even ask yourself “what am I doing here”, or “why am I here?”
Purpose is such a powerful motivation to live and to strive to improve on ones ’self. Without purpose we will just be a ‘vapour in the wind’. I don’t know about you, but my life must count for something, I must make a difference!
There is a reason you were born, there is an amazing plan for your life, and even if you feel so insignificant right now, trust me when I say, you are unique, you are special, and you do matter!
If you need help finding purpose and direction for your life, click on the banner below and get in touch with us, we’ll help you reach your potential today!