If you’ve never dealt with insecurity in any shape or form, congratulations! You’re one of the ‘lucky’ few. For many people though, the war against insecurity and feelings of inadequacy is one that takes years to overcome. For some, sad as it is to say, it’s a struggle that’s never won, leading all the way to the grave.
Generally speaking, we all want to feel like we are accepted or acceptable. We all, in some way or other, want to feel like we matter or are loved. But sometimes, when we’re at our very worst, we question the validity of our existence and find ourselves in a space where we don’t even make much sense to ourselves. What a place to be. Do you, like the woman in the video below, find yourself asking, “why did God make me this way?”
The road to self-acceptance is a tough one for most. Like we see in the video, even when people try to encourage us with good and positive words, all it sounds like is a pep talk or a ‘God lecture’. It can all seem empty and meaningless.
With everything in life though, repetition and reinforcement are key. Certain messages will never truly sink in unless they are drilled endlessly into our minds. What message is constantly being drilled into yours? Is it one where you are condemned and told that you are not good enough, talented enough or beautiful enough? That’s not the true reflection of who you are. You are no mistake and nothing about your life is an accident. You are uniquely designed for a purpose and that purpose is found when you connect with the one who made you.
The question “why did God make me this way?” is actually a brilliant one, but not when asked with an attitude of self-pity and hopelessness. It should be a soul-searching, positive question, asked with the intention of truly understanding God’s purpose for your life. We want to be part of that journey with you. If you’d like to know more about God and faith, please click on the banner below and check out the video we’ve prepared for you.