In conversation I have come up against this ‘barrier of faith’ a few times. To be honest, it’s a question I have shied away from for a very long time myself.
“If God is loving and full of grace and mercy, why would hell even be a possibility?”
Firstly, it’s important to understand the purpose of hell. It was never prepared for human beings. In the Bible (Matthew 25), it clearly states that hell – eternal suffering and loneliness – was made for the devil and his fallen angels. By no means does God want anyone to experience hell for a second. His love for you is consistent. There is no question.
So that then begs the question:
“Why is it possible for humans to go to hell?”
It’s all about relationship
This one is a little more tricky. But I have found it truly lies in the reason why God made us. He made us so that we could have a relationship with him. Have you ever tried to force a relationship? Take your boss for example. Would it be easy to become best friends with him while still having to show up to work? For true relationship, there needs to be willingness and interest from both parties.
“But how would that be possible when God is the most almighty, all-knowing, all-powerful and we are made by him? “
God gave us choice. In giving us the ability to choose Him, we also have the ability to reject him. And in rejecting him, we reject everything about him including heaven. In eternity there are two existences: with God or without Him.
God is light. God is love. God is peace. God is joy. God is righteous. God is good. God is freedom. Hell is simply the absence of God.
Cause and effect
These days we are far more happy to live our live and disregard the consequences. But there are consequences to all that we do. You might ask if it is too late? Personally, there has been a lot in my life that I have done that indicates that I belong in hell. I have rejected God in many ways. But God is aware of our fickleness.
The truth is, every day is made up of choices. Each day is a new possibility to choose God rather than reject him. Our fate isn’t sealed yet! Jesus made it possible for us to be forgiven. He became human and went to hell so that you and I can choose God and not suffer the eternal consequence of the bad choices we have made in our past.
If you want a life – both in this world and the next – that is full of God, I want to encourage you to choose not to reject him today, but engage in the relationship the very fibre of your being was made for. God wants to speak to you and interact, encourage, laugh with, challenge and inspire you as an individual. Click on the link below to find out more.