For the last few months, I’ve been eating three fried eggs for breakfast. I tried boiled eggs, scrambled eggs and omelette but my favourite is still the fried variety. I don’t use butter or oil either, just the plain eggs fried in a non-stick pan with a bit of salt and fresh spinach leaves on top – yum.
Eggs Are Awesome:
- They are protein-rich and contain inflammation-fighting omega-3: vitamins D, E, and B12 and minerals like selenium.
- Also, just two eggs a day fulfils half our daily requirement for the memory boosting nutrient choline – which many of us lack.
- There have been some concerns about eggs and high cholesterol, but recent studies have shown that although there is cholesterol in eggs, contrary to what we’ve previously been told, dietary cholesterol doesn’t appear to have much effect on blood cholesterol, the type that actually clogs your arteries, for the average person. Nutritionists recommend however that eggs should be eaten in conjunction with a healthy, balanced, veggie-rich diet. Keep a check on your cholesterol levels if you are at risk.
Why I Love Eggs:
- They taste delicious on their own, with a pinch of salt and if I have more time, they make a great base on which to build a bigger breakfast. As mentioned before, I regularly eat them with fresh spinach leaves on top – sunny-side up works best for me. I’ve also added cheese, sautéed onion and tomato or fried mushrooms, or all of the above. If you have the time, there are lots of ways to make eggs an egg-citing start to your day.
- I’m not ravenous by 11 O’clock in the morning. I used to be. In fact, I used to be hungry by 10am, have a snack and eat my lunch by 12pm because I couldn’t wait anymore. Eating three eggs at the start of the day now leaves me much less munchy throughout the morning.
- I’m able to focus better. I quickly noticed how much more alert I felt. Additionally, I no longer felt lethargic and I could concentrate and get much more done.
- I feel healthier. Eating eggs first thing in the morning has made me more determined to eat healthy, nutritious food throughout the day. As a mom, it’s also made me more aware of the value of providing and preparing nutritious food for my children.
- The joy of food. Taking the time and putting the care into preparing a cooked meal has made me appreciate my food. Rather than shovel a bowl of cereal in my mouth before dashing out the door to work, I wake up a bit earlier and savour the taste, texture and aroma of my food.
- Routine is great. Although eating three fried eggs every morning sounds pretty boring, it’s actually refreshing to not have to think about what I’m going to have for breakfast every morning.
I also love riddles and brain teasers so let me finish then with two egg riddles:
- I have to be broken before I am of use. What am I?
- A box without hinges, key or a lid, yet golden treasures inside lie hid. What am I?