Why is life so hard?
This question has crossed my mind more than once…this past week alone! Yes, it’s a tough time. Even if you’re up on cloud 9 right now, the inescapable valley awaits some time or the other. May it be a long way off, but come it will. Possibly just a little dip that gives the tummy a slight turn or maybe a gut wrencher where our world appears to be melting into a puddle that everyone is going to walk through without appearing to give a damn. Whether it’s the hiccup or the puddle, we need to deal with it and that’s what I’ve simply had to do. No more self pity or those laments where I claim God has simply stopped loving me, but rather a confident exclamation of the truth of who God is, how He sees me and what His love means to me even into the depth of my situation.
Some may say I’m naive, must get over it, or I should simply change things, but I’ve made a commitment. I told God about 8 and a half years ago that he is now the Lord of my life. The Big Boss Man. I gave the creator of the universe free reign over me and that includes the muck-ups I make. People tell me I obviously need a crutch or that I’m weak to be so willing to commit all to God but you see, I’m actually smart! I’ve taken all my hurt and anxiety and desperation and fears and said: “Here God, please take all this. You are the creator of the universe, and I’m a speck in time and space. No matter how strong I think I am, I can’t possibly match up to you. You are smarter, wiser and more capable, so; please take all this stuff of mine, and make it into something good please. I don’t know where to start, but You do. I don’t know how to fix this but You do. Thank you for loving me! Thank you that your heart is for me. Thank you that all you’ve promised in Your Word is true in Jesus. Please pick me up and dust me off and set my feet back upon the Rock and let’s keep going.”
Why is life so hard? It just is, but…Jesus has offered us all we need in and through Him to deal with it and be victorious. No lies!
So now I wait. And in the process I grow more, and even learn to trust more. It’s hard but I trust the One who has been victorious over all things.
Do you?