There’s nothing in this world easier than finding someone or something to blame when things go wrong. The emotionally distant man chooses to blame his parents who never hugged him enough; the soccer fan chooses to blame the coach who should have substituted this striker with the other one. On a bigger scale, leaders of whole nations choose to keep blaming other nations for their problems today.
I’m not saying that very terrible things don’t happen to us in life. They do. A lot of the time, because of the sheer reality of the ugly side of human nature, things really do happen to us not because we have done anything wrong but because someone else has decided, for whatever reason, to do them to us. That’s just life. Yet, more and more, I have come to realize that the people we spend our time blaming and being bitter towards are getting on with their lives, doing what they need to be doing and not even giving a second thought to us or what we’re worried about.
Recently, I had the opportunity to gain some new perspective on this whole thing. Many people give excuses for why they do not progress and blame circumstances for why they don’t do the right thing. But, while that is going on, there is always someone somewhere else who is in a far worse situation but who makes a decision to take responsibility, roll up his sleeves and get on with making the most of life. It’s all a matter of our attitude towards the things that happen to us. Think about it. There are countless people who have gone through shocking adversity but have bounced back to reach heights that they themselves never would have imagined! Perhaps, difficult as it might be, we need to consider that when we fail to progress, it’s more about attitude and an unwillingness to do the extremely dirty and grimy work of getting back on our feet than about the original injustice, whatever it may have been.
Today, I choose to make this matter personal. Maybe if I work on my attitude & stop playing the blame game in my own life, it might infect you & you can infect someone else and so on and so on. Who knows where we’ll end up if we all take responsibility and steer clear of the pointless road of blaming others?
One of the greatest role models, as far as taking responsibility for his own life in spite of others hurting him, is Jesus Christ. No matter how insulted he may have felt, he recognized that he couldn’t lose sight of his life’s mission. Not only did he look past the evil he suffered, he went further and forgave and even loved those who wounded him. How about choosing this worldview for yourself as it brings peace and will release you from carrying unnecessary grudges which, in the end, will destroy nobody but you. Please click on the banner below and watch the video that follows.