Sometimes, I have moments where upon seeing someone realise their dream or receiving their miracle I mutter under my breath, “why them and not me?”. I am human, which means there will be times where I feel down about my season of waiting. It isn’t always easy to be happy for someone else who is advancing or receiving great things.
Yes, there are times where I am beyond happy for others and all of their answered prayers, and I love celebrating with them. But as I said there are days when my heart sinks, tears fill my eyes and I don’t even have the words to express the disappointment that fills my heart. It’s like one big emotional rollercoaster filled with highs and lows and upside twists and turns.
Good for them and good for me!
However, I am determined to not let the lingering thought of “why them and not me” get the better of me, or get the better of my story that is ultimately God breathed. Therefore, when I feel those lows, I remember the following and quickly get out of that dark hole, and step back into the light.
Our stories are different and very personal
- What happens and transpires in somebody else’s life is probably meant to be totally different to how my life pans out. Our roads, journey and destinations are all unique and looks very different, and that is okay, if not amazing!
It’s okay to feel low, but don’t stay there
- Feeling an array of emotions is totally normal, and it’s proof that we are human. It’s okay to feel disappointed, but do not linger or live out of that place. It will only make your heart more bitter and resentful, if not jealous and angry. Keep your heart soft and filled with expectation by stepping out of that dark space and back into the light.
Those lows are opportunities to seek God out more personally
- Often when I feel like I’ve been forgotten by God, or feel like the things that I am trusting God for are simply not happening in the time I would like, I can’t help but seek even more in frustration. When I don’t have the answers, I know that He does. When I feel disappointed or heartbroken, I know that He will lovingly comfort me and heal my brokenness. My gaze stays on Him, my heart trusts in Him even more, because without Him I am helpless!
Focus on all the good
- Often we tend to fall into the trap of focusing on all of the things that we don’t have in our lives. When in actual fact we overlook all of the good things that we do have in our lives! Look at your life and acknowledge all of the blessings that you do have!
and lastly:
God’s timing is perfect and always on time
Rest in knowledge that this is true, even if it feels like you have been waiting for ages. Trust the journey, trust the pace, and know that God has not forgotten about you. His timing is always perfect, which means He knows exactly when to let things come to pass that will ultimately add blessing to His perfect will for our lives.