They say behind every powerful man is a powerful woman. I’m not sure if this true for every powerful man but what I believe is true is that success is never achieved alone.
When pictures of Serena Williams lifting that Wimbledon cup go viral online, what we often don’t see is that many people were involved in supporting and guiding this phenomenal athlete to her great success. Trainers, mentors, nutritionists, family and friends just to name a few, all play a major role in the success of any sportsperson, musician or businessman who has made it big in their career.
Human beings have a natural desire to succeed and any person who is serious about life knows that getting wisdom, advice and motivation from someone “greater” than them is of utmost importance if they are to succeed.
As you journey through life, who do you look to for guidance and motivation?
In this day and age where everything we need, whether it’s information or a product, is a mouse click away, it’s easy to get trapped into thinking that we can achieve it all on our own. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Human life was made to be experienced in community and the place of mentors, advisers and coaches in our lives is as important today as it’s always been.
Pick a mentor. The role of a mentor is to monitor your movements. When you desire to move the positive way and you connect with someone who thinks the negative way, you can’t get there!” Israelmore Ayivor
Whatever sphere of life you operate in, having a mentor – someone who’s been there before you and acquired wisdom and knowledge that you do not have yet – is crucial.
But more than having someone to look up to in our careers and business ventures, there is a God who has made His unsearchable wisdom available to anyone willing to have it. His ways can be trusted, those who walked with Him never failed. If you’d like to know more about God and how He can impact your life, click on the banner below.
I have set the Lord before me always. Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” (Psalm 16:8)