I’ve rarely come across a person who has adjusted to change instantaneously. To move anything around in one’s life is difficult, but not impossible. We often see the challenge, but don’t see the change in the challenge.
I like singing but I love singing worship in church even more. The only problem is that I am an introvert. In order for me to sing, means I have to be around a lot of people – I’m not the best when it comes to dealing with people.
Recently I’ve been challenged to go back to a place that’s uncomfortable and vulnerable. I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew that I had to find myself standing in that place again. I’d never felt so alone in a crowded room before. It was as if I was doing this all on my own.
A few weeks ago, I stood asking myself “how am I actually going to do this?” Only to be asked for coffee by a loving friend, who offered to mentor me through this time. It was as if I spoke words, that echoed straight to the Fathers heart. I was overwhelmingly shocked as tears came pouring down my face. It was as if God knew I could no longer do this on my own.
The definition of lifted means to “pick up and to move to a different position.” That’s exactly what I felt I needed to do, to pick myself up, make the sacrifice and move to the exact place God wanted me to be.
It’s not easy, but I know I did things that helped me along the way.
I lifted my hands
I remember standing and asking God to use me, my arms were raised in utter surrender, waiting for Him to tell me what it is that I should do? To my surprise, it wasn’t the answer that I was expecting. I realized that we can either run away from what He has called us too, or run straight to Him in this time. Ever since I’ve gone back to the place that He has called me to, I have been standing with lifted arms. I know that if I don’t completely surrender to Him, that I will not be able to do this.
I chose to be mentored
I’m a stubborn person, but I needed to admit to myself and to God, that I needed help. Help from someone who wasn’t older than me, but that has wisdom in the very thing that I was stepping into. Today, every time I need to do the something that seems impossible, she’s right there besides me, encouraging me all the way.
Not only is she there to encourage me, but to correct me. Correction is hard, but we need to know when it’s not okay to be doing something, when we are pursing the things of Christ.
I now that I’ll never be alone in this journey with God. I do know that it took me lifting my hands, in order for Him to move in every sphere in my life.