Today, I have a message for all the women out there, and if you are a man then I encourage you to share this message with a special lady in your life, to inspire, encourage and uplift her and most importantly to tell her that SHE IS BEAUTIFUL.
Ladies, ask yourself the following, what does it mean to be beautiful, what is beauty?
It is so easy to flip through a magazine and compare ourselves to the imagery. The world gives us the impression that we are meant to look like the magazine images, however, God’s version of beauty is way different.
The Bible tells us in Psalm 139:14,
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
The Bible also tells us in Genesis 1:27,
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
How special?! We were created in HIS OWN IMAGE and we were WONDERFULLY MADE.
May this speak so loudly to your heart as you soak in this true wisdom.
There is a saying, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder“. So how do you see beauty?
There is beauty all around us, we just have to open our eyes to see it. There is beauty in a smile, there is beauty in a flower, there is beauty in laughter, there is beauty in an eyelash, there is beauty in your kindness, there is beauty in your patience, there is beauty in your understanding, there is beauty in your compassion, there is beauty in your tears, there is beauty in your heart. Every woman is beautiful, but further than the surface, is the inner beauty, the beauty that we all have inside of us, our hearts, our spirit, our thoughts, our dreams, our lives. Above all these things is the beauty of the LOVE that lives inside of us. We are all called for a purpose, we are called to bloom, to shine, to love, to share, to live a life worthy of a beautiful legacy for the next generation of women.
I encourage you to take a pen and a paper, go to a quiet spot in your home or take a walk in the garden or along the beach. Switch off your cell phone. Take a few moments to breathe in the fresh air, listen to the sounds of the nature around you, take in that peace, take in that beauty. Write down what beauty means to you. What makes you feel beautiful? Take this quiet time to refresh your soul, stir your heart to the goodness of the Lord all around you, everyday. In this week, take a moment to encourage someone, smile at a stranger, say hello to your neighbour, make your loved one a cup of coffee or tea just to spoil them, there are so many things we can do to love others, to spread the love, to show God’s love. To shine our inner beauty.
It’s in sharing His love with the world, that we shine His light. Friends, God has a plan for you, awaken to your purpose,
shine your light wherever you go, bring goodness and kindness to all you meet. Remember this, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL,
God loves you, God chose you, God has a plan and a purpose for your life. Shine.
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