That’s what media screams. You are not enough. You are not pretty enough, or smart enough, or talented enough, or rich enough or thin enough. Everywhere we look, the world sends us a message that we are not enough.
But in reality they are telling the truth. We are flawed human beings. If we were so wonderful, we would not have allowed our world to get into the mess it is in. The truth is, at the core of who we are, we are selfish and cruel. That was not God’s intention for us when He created us. But because of mankind’s disobedience, we allowed evil to rule and reign in our world.
As gloomy as that may sound, there is good news! God did not leave us like that. He made a way for us to be loving and kind and make this world a better place.
But in and of yourself, you are not enough. I am not enough. There is only so much I can do in my own strength and ability. But with God – well, that’s another story altogether.
Jesus said, “Apart from me, you can do nothing.” Now of course, He is not meaning that if you don’t know Jesus, you won’t be able to go to work, or have a family, or build a business. What He is saying, is that only through Him, can we do anything of eternal significance and true value.
Do you feel like you are not enough? I know I feel like that sometimes. Let me encourage you with this:
You are not enough and that’s ok
It’s not up to me to change the whole world. It’s not up to me to fix all the problems we are facing. But when I allow God to lead and guide me, I can play a part in bringing change . Little is much when God is in it.
When we allow God to change our thinking and set us on the right path, there is no end to what we can accomplish. Surrendering our lives to God allows us to be part of His bigger plan and picture. On my best day, I’m not the wife I should be, or the mother I could be. But with God’s help, I can become all He created me to be.
What about you? Do you ever feel insignificant and not good enough? Why not open your life to God’s love and leading? You will be surprised how great life can be with God at the steering wheel. When He puts His “super” on your “natural”, supernatural things can happen!
To find out more about opening your life up to God, click on the link below or on the pop up.