Can you imagine being hunted for your organs and body parts just because of the colour of your skin?
This is the nightmare life of albinos in Africa. Albino body parts are believed to have magical powers of healing and are said to bring good luck. Consequently, during the past decade more than 1000 individuals have been murdered in Burundi, Tanzania and other African countries as their body parts are harvested and sold by witchdoctors for thousands of dollars in underground markets.
Furthermore, graves of individuals with albinism must often be sealed with cement and buried indoors so that they can be protected against grave robbers hunting for body parts.
So what is albinism? Albinism is a genetic condition also called achromia, achromasia, or achromatosis. It is characterized by a shortage in the production of melanin and by the partial or complete absence of color in the skin, hair and eyes. This inherited disease can be found in humans (affecting all races), mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians.
Even though it is a hereditary condition, in most cases, there is no family history of albinism.
Albinos have problems with vision as well as skin problems and are very sensitive to the sun. In certain parts of Africa, albinism is seen as a curse due to ignorance, wickedness and illiteracy.
African albinos are on the run and are hunted like wild animals by some mad men who believe their body parts contain supernatural powers.
Amazingly, humans can always find reasons to discriminate against each other. If your skin is too dark, you are not accepted and if, on the other hand, your skin is too light……..I rest my case.
Will we ever be able to accept each other for who God made us?