As a music instructor, I engage with many young people. I’m not going to lie – it is pretty challenging to work with them under the watchful eye of parents. These days there are so many different parenting styles and ethoses that it is very hard to know how to approach teaching. Authority is no longer a given when it comes to children – in many ways seniority and respect for elders isn’t even part of their world at all. I know that this is a complex and incredibly touchy subject – and I don’t want to sound judgmental at all – but there is a trend that I have begun to see. It’s a premise that an entire generation is building their hopes, dreams and existence on. It has been a slogan that you will find on most ‘inspirational quotes’ Instagram pages with some cheesy mountain peaks or beach sunset backgrounds:
“You can do anything.”
Before you start jumping to the many arguments that support this statement – hear me out. I know that there are more possibilities these days due to the advancement of technology and fields of psychology. I know that there has been a ‘liberation’ from oppressive systems and old-fashioned mindsets. But that still doesn’t justify the absolute nature of the word ‘anything’. Here are a few reasons why I believe you and I cannot do anything we want – or even put our mind to.
1. Ability will never be equal
My music teaching is a great example of this. I have to instruct a whole lot of students that have been told their whole lives that they can do anything they want to. But no matter how much some will work, they will never become a rock star lead vocalist. Now I agree that everyone needs equal opportunity to develop, but even if everyone was given the exact same opportunity (in any area of life) – there will be some who fail and some who succeed.
Each person on the planet has different cognitive, expressive and emotional capacities that interplay to form an individuality unlike any other. So there will never be a ‘level playing field’ in any area of life. Everyone cannot be an accountant if they put their mind to it. Everyone cannot be a writer if they put their mind to it.
In a world that would very much like to get rid of every limit and boundary, I am watching a generation becoming more and more anxious and stressed – trying to achieve the ‘anything’ while their actual gifting and ability has not been considered.
Hard work is not the answer to every problem.
If I were to become an Engineer, I would have to work extremely hard to meet the basic requirements of that role – while those who love that profession would be able to excel with much less effort.
2. ‘Anything’ doesn’t account for the process
When the possibilities are endless – it is very easy for you to be paralyzed due to option fatigue. And in this age of instancy, when ‘anything’ is on the table it is hard to commit fully to anything specific. The fact is, no matter what your dream might be, there is a process that will require a whole lot of endurance. Whatever you want to achieve in life is going to be extremely hard – otherwise it wouldn’t be worth it. But the danger with ‘anything’ is that the moment we have chosen something, and that something gets hard – we can easily give up and go back to the ‘limitless possibility’ drawing board, which is a way more romantic perspective to live in.
If we are not careful we can live our whole lives there – with all the potential in the world and nothing to show for it. If you truly believe you can do anything, you have an unrealistic picture of yourself. One of the best things for your self-esteem is knowing what you are not good at. It will direct your energy and enable you to fail – one of the greatest educations you will ever have.
3. Anything is possible with God, but we weren’t made for something
Many Christians have used the phrase “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” to support the ‘anything’ aspiration. But it’s imperative to recognize the phrasing. I believe with all of my heart that knowing Jesus means that I can do “all things”. But the catch comes in the second part – “through Christ”.
The fact is, Christ is the limit to that ‘anything’. It immediately erases anything that is not going to be the best for me. If I am bound to Christ – I will have the strength to do what He wants me to do. All of a sudden it is no longer an open, limitless playing field called life – I am bound to the will and heart of God.
We were made with intention; with a specific mandate to be ourselves completely – and that means we have to have boundaries.
As a creative person, I believe that the worst thing you can give an artist is ‘free reign’. The limits define the artwork. The frame contextualizes and empowers the artwork. In the same way, when we know our limits, we are able to actually progress and build our lives – instead of fumbling through life trying whatever, whenever, we have that fleeting desire. Our failures and inabilities, our challenges and struggles, help us focus and move in a constructive direction.
Are you feeling stagnant? Have you lost your passion for life? Are you clueless about what (or who) you want to be? One of the most proactive things you could do is invite Jesus into your decision process. He knows who you are better than you ever will – God made you and wants to lead you into extreme effectiveness. Click on the link below to find out more.