Recently a group of us were discussing some of the things that have impacted us over the last few months and something came up that really spoke to my heart.

We spoke about our deepest fears – fears that we don’t even realise are fears, but that somehow affect our everyday life.

We came to the conclusion that we sometimes need to impose “a deadline on our feelings”. In other words, at some point, we need to take a decision to move past all our insecurities (our feelings about ourselves) and move forwards in order to see a breakthrough in life.

Placing a “deadline” on your feelings doesn’t mean you have to rush through life and make poor decisions. However, it means in order to see things happen in your life, in order to see change, you need to decide enough is enough at some point – you need to move forward with your life regardless of how you feel about yourself.

It’s just not worth wasting time on your insecurities – if you do so, you’re almost certainly missing out on opportunities. Don’t forget the fact that you were actually created for greatness!

Place a deadline on all these feelings that tell you you can’t do anything. Consider your limits – but then move on. It’s the only way you’ll get anywhere.
