What would you do if you only had one day left? One day left at your job, one day left with your family or one day left on this earth. Would you do things differently? Would you appreciate the little things more?

I know I can answer yes to these questions. Did you know that you really only have one day? The Bible says in James 4:13 that we do not know what tomorrow will hold.

Look here, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit.” How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.

All we can really focus on is today as we do not know what tomorrow will hold.

Setting goals is popular. Everyone has a five-year and ten-year plan. Planning is good but we can become so fixated on what is to come, that we miss out on the moments that are happening right now.

Here are some things that I have committed to do to ensure I enjoy every moment:

  1. Stay present – When we are thinking about tomorrow or next week or next year, it’s easy to mentally checkout from the here and now. Instead, give each moment your full attention. As a result, you may just find more fulfillment in the moment than you thought possible.
  2. Don’t wish the time away – Those of us with kids are often guilty of this. Perhaps you are in a difficult season and you are wishing the days away. The days will pass before we know it and we will look back longingly at days gone by.
  3. Find God in the everyday moments – God is present in each moment. By praying and tuning in to Him, we can discover His plan, His joy and His peace in each moment we face.

The next time you start wishing for tomorrow to come or next week or next year to come, remember that all you have is today. Find the joy that is hidden in each moment.

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