We’ve all done it. Shared or liked an article because the headline looks like something we would agree with but when it comes to reading the actual post… well, the headlines tell you all you need to know, right?
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Last year Forbes magazine reported on a study that found that 59% of people who share articles on social media don’t actually read the post that they share. Whether this is because they don’t have time or just can’t be bothered with the fine print is up for debate but the truth is people want bullet points and the bottom line. The rest is surplus to requirements.
Beneath the surface
Believing or sharing information based on high level statements may seem foolish but it’s a surprisingly common practice. Very often the motivation is not truth and fact but sensation. We love drama, intrigue and excitement and headlines tend to give us this. The truth, in comparison, feels boring. Sadly building your life and making decisions based on statements made without context or background is like building on sand. With no real foundation or footing, the moment reality and fact hits, it will crumble and fall.
On the other side of the coin you could miss out on things of value and importance if you only glance at the headlines and move on without finding out more. Judging something because of how it is communicated or perceived by others can give you a biased view and a false picture. The only way to really know something is to experience and discover it for yourself.
See for yourself
There are many ideas and opinions about God. For some God is an unknowable force that guides the universe but has little or no interaction with our lives. Others see God as an angry and vindictive ruler who watches our suffering but is disinterested in involving Himself in it. For some He is a father, both interested and involved in their lives. Depending on who you talk to, God can be everything from terrifying and distant to compassionate and intimately known. However, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says about God, when it boils down to it the opinions of other people are just headlines that could conceal shifting sand or great treasure, but you’ll never know unless you read past the title and find out what is there for yourself.
If you would like to find out what God is like, for yourself, we would love to help you do this. Please leave a comment or click on the link.